About Me
Hey, my name is huyikai. In chinese is 胡义凯 (hú yì kaǐ).
I am currently a full-time software development engineer.
- Coding
coding is a creative and challenging process. I can create things I want through coding, and also help others solve their problems. When ideas become reality, it gives me a sense of achievement and fills me with anticipation during the programming process. This is also one of the reasons why I became a software engineer. In my spare time, I do some open source projects. This allows me to learn a lot and help others. Even received some unexpected rewards, such as prizes for the popularity of my articles in forums, and awards for contributing to the astro community, among others. It makes me more motivated to continue.
- Photography
Photography is another professional skill of mine. Initially, I wanted to learn photography because, after traveling, looking back at the photos, I felt regret for not capturing those moments better.
As my photography skills improved, I went from taking photos for myself to helping friends take baby photos, lifestyle vlogs, and wedding records for free, and later on, I was widely recognized and invited for commercial shoots. After earning back the cost of my photography equipment and persisting for a while, I began to reduce the frequency of accepting shooting orders. Photography work is not easy, and human energy is always limited. I need to reserve enough energy for my main job, and I don't want this hobby to lose its interest because it becomes a job.
Now, photography for me is not just about recording, but also expressing. I hope to capture every moment of my life through photography and share it with more people.
- Travel
Travel can let me see a different world, can let me see a different person, can let me see different things can make me see different world views. oh,There are also different cuisines.
- Sports
I enjoy various sports and like to try different techniques in each, enjoying the exhilarating pleasure they bring while staying healthy.
Basketball is one of my favorite sports. Having started playing basketball from a young age, it has been the most important sport accompanying my growth. Basketball has brought me a lot of joy, allowing me to find fun in sports and make many friends. It has also had a lasting impact on me, helping me maintain a positive attitude when facing difficulties and teaching me that talent sets your ceiling but effort sets your floor. Speaking of basketball, it's impossible not to talk about the NBA. I admire many players like Jordan, Iverson, Kobe, McGrady, Carter, James, Curry, etc. I'm not a fan of any particular player; I'm just amazed by their physical fitness and skills. Of course, I also admire anyone who perseveres for themselves, their family, and their dreams.
Besides basketball, I also enjoy running, skiing, and frisbee.
I started running because of the Japanese anime "Run with the Wind (風が強く吹いている)", which deeply made me fall in love with the feeling of running. It motivated me to keep up with a weekly mileage of 20 kilometers, and now my half marathon PB is 1 hour and 50 minutes. I plan to try a full marathon when my half marathon time is within 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Skiing was something my wife and I took up together. The learning process was tough, and the speed of coming down the mountain was frightening. But once I mastered it, I wanted nothing but to go faster and faster, of course, only on slopes that matched my ability. After all, skiing is a dangerous sport, and it's necessary to maintain a sense of reverence. Skiing is also an expensive sport; so far, I've only skied at domestic resorts, but I hope to experience the slopes in Hokkaido and Switzerland if I get the chance.
Frisbee was something I got into by chance. A friend, knowing I was quite athletic, invited me to a frisbee match. Initially, I was just curious and not very interested. But unconsciously, the game was over, and I found myself deeply immersed in the sport. Frisbee is a sport with a flexible amount of physical exertion, suitable for people with various athletic backgrounds. However, to perform better in this sport, besides explosive power and endurance, a good sense of teamwork is also necessary. Because of the rules of frisbee, individual heroism is impossible. I think that's also where the charm of the sport lies.

If you're interested in further communication, feel free to reach out to me
- Email: hyk_tiger@foxmail.com
- Twitter: @HykTiger
- Discord: hyk_tiger
- WeChat: huyikai
Hope you can find something interesting here.